Roman Catholic parish church in the name of Mary
Roman Catholic Church in the name of Mary is a monumental building that dominates in the center of Novi Sad. It is build on the Liberty square in front of City Hall on the place of previous modest churched from the early 18th century. In the bombardment of June 12th 1849 during the Serbian revolution, the original church was heavily damaged and the belfry was completely destroyed. After the end of military confrontations catholic community decided to restore the church that in 1864 got the status of permanent Cathedral. The Catholics of Novi Sad were discontent with the new design and petitioned the city authorities to build a belfry which would entirely suit the status of a free royal city. In 1891 a decision was made to pull down the existing structure and build a completely new church.
In 1892, Georg Molnar, the most renowned architect in Novi Sad of the time, designed the new church completely free of charge as he wanted to help his Catholic community. The same year deconstruction works started and in November 1893 the new Cathedral was done. Georg Molnar received a lot of gratitude for his noble work and his marble bust was installed in church’s niche.
Three-nave basilica is 73m high and is the nighest church in the city since 1894 when a sanctified gilded cross was installed on the tower. After the fire that took place on the city square in 1904 the church was restored and 22m high roof was decorated with six-sided enamel tiles. During the last restoration yellow facade brick was cleaned, the church lightning was installed which played an important role in Church becoming Novi Sad’s „ trade mark“. Behind the Church, church community Plebania, built in 1809, along with Vatican Palace and Cultural center of Novi Sad are situated.
Excursion that include visit to the Church:

Novi Sad – Great Walking Tour
- Novi Sad – riches of multiply nations
- Serbian "Athens"
- Petrovaradin Fortress
- EXIT festival – symbol of the city

Novi Sad & Sremski Karlovci
- Novi Sad – the multi-ethnical richness
- Petrovaradin Fortress
- Wine-tasting included
- S. Karlovci – architectural gem stone