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Activities in Belgrade

Restaurant Madera

Restaurant Madera

Restaurant Madera, Belgrade

Madera is located in the metropolitan area with a long history. Part of today’s Boulevard of King Alexander – from Takovska to Beogradska street – was known as “Fišegdžijska čaršija” (Cornet market) because, by order of Prince Miloš Obrenović, this area has been designated for the sale of gun-powder cornets. The place where Madera restaurant stands today, had been occupied by a “kafana” called Smederevo – a gathering place of coachmen and blue-collars. Then, in the spirit of Modernism, a new building was erected whose lobby was populated by the restaurant Madera in 1937.

The story goes that the restaurant got its name as one of the regular guests brought a great wine from the Portuguese island of Madeira. Belgrade’s bohemians, famous artists and journalists, who have been popularly called “maderaši”, gathered in our restaurant. Among them are Dr Aca Obradović, Predrag Milojević, Ljuba Tadić, Miroslav Radojčić, Den Tana, Miljan Miljanić, Slava Đukic, Ljubiša Vukadinović, Dragoslav Šekularac and others.
Its current, modern appearance Madera got in May 2003.

restaurant Lovac

Restaurant Lovac

Restaurant Lovac, Belgrade

In the distinctive Belgrade ambiance packed with hunter’s secrets that, thanks to the displayed rifles and belts, the venison gallery and the choice of colors, resembles a natural forest environment, our guests enjoy a “cup of warm friendly conversation”, in an oasis of almost forgotten serenity, satisfaction and enjoyment. “Lovac” offers a relaxed homely atmosphere with hints of bohemia, skilled waiters and the national cuisine, that many consider as one of the best in town – the right measure for the restaurant. The restaurant is located on the corner of the streets Njegoševa and Alekse Nenadovića, just a few steps away from the city commotion, which cannot be felt in our garden at all. One of the biggest and most beautiful restaurant gardens in Vračar, with a thick shade of the old lime tree, is a pleasant ambiance, filled with the taste of food and a rich assortment of drinks.

We are particularly proud of the specialty “Charcoal on the table”, on which we serve mixed meat, served on a small hot charcoal grill that is brought to the table. Thanks to the long tradition in the preparation of venison in the special dip and the secrets of our chefs, you will definitely enjoy the “Hunter’s basket”, deer fillet on chestnut puree and homemade hunter’s sausages. In addition to venison, it is said that we have the best kebab in town, the best gourmet burger and roast that melts in your mouth. An entirely new specialty, “Pizza Burger”, a dish that you have certainly not tasted yet! With good food, good drinks are a must – high quality local wines with soda and a large selection of local spirits. Our advice is to finish your dining pleasure with “Tito’s cream cake from Bled”, “Tufahije” or “Šnenokle”. Welcome!

resturant Lorenzo i Kakalamba

Restaurant Lorenzo i Kakalamba

Restaurant Lorenzo & Kakalamba, Belgrade

Original space with the unique conception based on the conflict between Florence and Pirot. The whole idea came from one simple and sincere promise of a caring husband to his beloved wife at the beginning of the marriage: “Honey, I can promise you one thing: You will never be hungry!” Impressive amateur venture of this gourmand enthusiast got its shocking outcome that surely will not leave you indifferent. If you don’t trip up at the entrance to one of the clumsily hidden cables, or God forbid, fall through the hole in the floor directly to the kitchen into the pot with delicious delicacies, you will find your way to one of the unusual chairs and order some of  divine specialties from the Florentine or Pirot cuisine. Once you satisfy your gourmet appetite you will notice around a multitude of interesting details, from goat which is peacefully grazing grass on the ceiling, through the comic reproductions of the famous Florentine sculptures to the fantastic paintings of the famous Botero.

restaurant Kovač

Restaurant Kovač

Restaurant Kovač, Belgrade

This is not merely a restaurant where you can have genuine Serbian cuisine at any time of day or night, this is Smithies where you can beat the daily routine and be welcomed and waited by proper Serbian way. At this site, the story goes, there once stood a roadside tavern. Travelers journeying along the road hundreds of years ago used to drop in for refreshments and snacks after a long trip. They would tell their stories, and as the legend goes, they would spend from morning till down there.
The building that host modern ethnic style restaurant was built in 1932. The restaurant was named Kovac (Blacksmith or Smithies) because of the legend say there was one next door working for masters relaxing and storytelling in tavern. Also, old belief says that every blacksmith is also a sorcerer, capable of defeating the devil by identifying with him and fooling him at the end. There is also a popular saying that each man forges his own fortune.

restaurant Konoba kod Goce i Renata

Restaurant Kod Goce i Renata

Restaurant Kod Goce i Renata, Belgrade

This house of old fishermen seems to be here for centuries. Here all people are warmly welcomed and enjoy cozy home-like atmosphere along with original fishermen soup, roasted fish and wine seasoned with stories about great haul. The restaurant always offers the freshest fish, fish paprikash, grilled meat, different desserts, good home-made white wine and comfortable atmosphere of a huge terrace over the river with a view of Danube. Let yourself be welcomed by pleasant staff and hospitable owner of the oldest restaurant of Belgrade.

restaurant Klub Književnika

Restaurant Klub književnika

Restaurant Klub književnika, Belgrade

Klub književnika is a place of good food and legendary tales. In Klub knjizevnika Ivo Andrić gave his first statement after he received Nobel Prize. This is the place where Danilo Kiš and Momo Kapor always sat together, and the place where they felt old for the first time. This is the place where one evening Rockefeller came to dinner among the first guests, and left among the last ones.

Klub književnika is, for almost 70 years, a place where many loves were born. This was the only place, according to their friends, where Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton never argued. This is the place where Olivera Katarina got engaged and married and all in one night! Klub Književnika was the first witness of the relationship between Ljiljana and Momo Kapor.

Today, after 70 years, Belgrade has changed. Klub književnika also changed, nevertheless, some things remained: good food prepared in a traditional manner, and pleasant atmosphere where great names of today sit along with the young new hopes of tomorrow.

restaurant Kalemegdanska terasa

Restaurant Kalemegdanska terasa

Restaurant Kalemegdanska terasa, Belgrade

Kalemegdanska terasa, a restaurant with tradition and an oasis of hedonism in the historical core of Belgrade – The Kalemegdan fortress, is a perfect blend of modern and traditional impressions for all senses. The special enjoyment in food is the result of Chef Danijel Stevanović’s uniquely created Menu – based on French cuisine suitable for a supreme family meal. As a perfect accessory to a perfect meal, the Restaurant has a spectacular view over the City and its rivers. Kalemegdanska terasa is the ultimate hedonism with the view. Perfect service and pleasant atmosphere in an idyllic surroundings are just a part of a frame in which You will put the memories from this magical and special place.

restaurant GRAFICAR

Restaurant Grafičar

Restaurant Grafičar, Belgrade

Thirty five years old, but now completely renovated restaurant Grafičar captivates its guests with its new, modern and comfortable look.
Grafičar offers its guests complete hedonism. Guests can enjoy a perfect roast on the spit and under the bell. Barbecue is also part of the wide range offer of this restaurant. Guests who prefer seafood can enjoy a selection of fresh fish. Spanish pig (cochinillo) 20 days old and raised only on milk, is a specialty of the house. Every guest can try it if they order a day in advance, and the chef will cut in front of you as required by the old Spanish tradition. Grafičar offers perfect Fiorentina steaks, as well as Tomahawe stacks of Scottish beef.
Wine lovers can enjoy a tasting 130 different labels both from Serbia and all over the world.
Large selection of cakes makes this offer complete. Guests can order „tufahija“, „tulumba“, dry pie, cheesecake or chocolate soufflé made from Belgian chocolate, as well as unforgettable „orasnica“.

restaurant Dva jelena Skadarlija

Restaurant Dva jelena

Restaurant Dva jelena, Belgrade

Dva jelena restaurant, one of the oldest and most frequented restaurants in Belgrade, has been the biggest à la carte restaurant on the territory of former Yugoslavia for more than hundred years. It is located in Skadalija, the bohemian heart of the city, also known as Belgrade Montmarte.

The story of Dva jelena goes like this:

In the spring of 1832, a hard-working baker named Avram set up his own bakery in this exact spot. The bakery was a success after only one year and his wife Petronija, realizing the potential of the big stove, started making cooked meals for the locals. In no time at all, they were coming in throngs. In 1867, a restaurant owner called Joakim bought the bakery from Avram for 20 gold coins and 2 ‘groš’. Then he hired Djordje, a heavily moustached builder from the region of Crna Trava, to expand the space and turn into a restaurant. The word of mouth about the restaurant’s beauty and the kindness of its owner spread very quickly around the town. Very soon the restaurant became the meeting place of people from all walks of life: craftsmen, actors, poets, artists, musicians, novelists, travelling groups of actors, and other visitors, fans of good music, good drinks and good entertainment. One day, some hunters from Belgrade brought their prey – two deer – in front of the restaurant. The people who gathered around it suggested that from that day on Joakim’s place should be called “Kod Dva jelena” or “At two deer”. We must never forget that the famous artists and giants of Serbian culture, the regular guests of our restaurant, were the ones who made Dva jelena  well-known worldwide. Foreign statesmen, artists and tourists from all over the world are also our guests.

restaurant Čarda Stara Koliba

Čarda Stara Koliba

Čarda Stara Koliba, Belgrade

A floating restaurant “Čarda Stara Koliba” is one of the most famous dinning places in Belgrade. Traditional dishes with a modern touch are cooked in the open kitchen. “Stara Koliba” is a perfect choice for dinning out with your family or business partners. On the Čarda Stara Koliba’s menu is mainly fish (seafood and freshwater fish), but you can also order meat served to match domestic food lovers taste. Salmon with shrimp and green olives sauce or chicken rolls with mozzarella cheese and prosciutto taste like haven if consumed with a fresh salad and good wine.No matter what your main course dish might be, the house recommends warm crepes with apples in caramel sauce as a dessert. Aside from its delicious food, “Čarda Stara Koliba” is renown for its versatile wine menu and feel-like-home ambient too. Fish restaurant “Čarda Stara Koliba” is built in wood and is anchored at an ideal place for a riverboat restaurant, at Ušće, next to the Branko’s Bridge. Venue’s prestigious location, along with its nature inspired ambient, makes the guest’s pleasure complete.

Restaurant “Stara Koliba” with its warm interior and romantic view of rivers Danube and Sava and The Belgrade Fortress (Kalemegdan park) is an ideal wedding venue in Belgrade. A special treat is the music performed live by traditional, Tambura, string orchestra. High-quality food and professional staff are the attributes that make floating restaurant “Čarda Stara Koliba” top rated catering venue in Belgrade, as it was from very beginning, in 2001.